Decoding Your Hearing Test Results
If you’ve noticed changes in your hearing and are curious about your
Anyone familiar with general workplace safety advice will have been told to protect their hearing against sound in loud environments. Hearing protection equipment like earplugs are often commonly found in loud working areas, for example, construction sites or when testing soundstage equipment. Loud, prolonged noises can also damage your hearing, as evidenced by smartphones warning their owners against listening to their music at too high a volume. But how does loud noise damage your hearing?
Loud noises can damage your hearing because they put too much pressure on the tiny hair cells inside your inner ear. These hair cells are responsible for sending sound signals to your brain, allowing you to hear. When exposed to loud sounds – like a jet engine, a concert or heavy machinery – these cells can break down. Once they’re damaged, they don’t grow back, leading to hearing loss over time.
Repeated exposure to high noise levels can speed up this process. Even if the damage isn’t noticeable at first, long-term exposure can slowly reduce your ability to hear. That’s why it’s important to protect your ears in loud environments. Wearing earplugs, taking breaks from noisy areas and keeping the volume down on headphones can all help prevent this kind of hearing damage.
The inner ear, the cochlea, is shaped like a curved shell and has many tiny hairs used to help process sound waves your brain can interpret. It’s a physical process – sound waves hit your inner ear hairs which allows them to transmit the information to your sensory processing systems to understand and locate sound.
To prevent hearing damage from loud noises, it’s crucial to limit your time in noisy environments. When possible, avoid places like concerts, construction areas or airports where sound levels can be harmful. If you can’t avoid them, wear high-quality earplugs, earmuffs or noise-canceling headphones to protect your ears. Be cautious when listening to music through headphones, as they can get loud without you noticing. Additionally, taking regular breaks from loud surroundings can give your ears the rest they need.
It’s also important to consider how long you’re exposed to loud sounds. The more prolonged the exposure, the higher the risk of hearing loss. You can use apps to measure sound levels and determine when protection is necessary. Regular visits to an audiologist can help detect any early signs of hearing damage, allowing you to take preventive steps before it gets worse.
By following the advice of your audiologist and finding the right treatment plan for you, you can protect your hearing against loud noise. If you want to learn more about how to protect your hearing or you believe you are experiencing hearing loss, schedule an appointment with an audiologist. With the help of an audiologist, you can prevent further hearing loss from happening and experience a better quality of life with the right treatment.
If you’ve noticed changes in your hearing and are curious about your
If your audiologist has recommended hearing aids to help improve your
When you’re diagnosed with hearing loss, a hearing aid is often the